Booking summary

Mon 17 June

Sensory Room – Bletchley – Birth to Pre Walking

Time 17th June, Monday 10:30am - 11:30am
Address Whaddon Way Church, Beaverbrook Court, Bletchley, MK3 7JS View map

Finding the venue

Whaddon Way Chuch is located on Beaverbrook Court, which is signposted on Whaddon Way.

If using Google Maps, you should be directed to the location by entering your destination as Whaddon Way Church or alternatively you can use what3words: brightly.depending.snap


Visitors to Whaddon Way Church are allowed to use the private car park located opposite the building on Beaverbrook Court titled as ‘Bletchley House’. You will need to drive into Beaverbrook Court and turn left into the car park. Please note that this car park is shared with the care homes also located on Beaverbrook Court and is therefore on a first-come, first-served basis. It is labelled as private parking but you are allowed to park there

In the event this car park is full, you will need to find on street parking on Whaddon Way. Please park considerately and not on any double yellow lines.

Please don’t panic if you’re going to be late! Little Glow is very relaxed and you can turn up at any point during the session slot. You won’t miss anything.


The session will be held in Meeting Room 6 which is located on the first floor. Please DO NOT enter the building through the main entrance, instead please go through the fenced door to the side of the building . I will be waiting to sign attendees in so hopefully you will see me! If you don’t see me immediately, I might still be setting up, so arriving 5 minutes before the start time is perfect.

If you need to bring a pram to the session then these can be left outside in the secure garden where you enter – please bring rain covers in the event of wet weather.

Once inside the building, you will need to make your way to the first floor and Meeting Room 6 will be in front of you. A lift is available if you do not wish to take the stairs – please just let me know as the building caretaker is needed to operate the lift.

Nappies –

The venue has asked that any nappies are taken home with you and are not left in the baby changing toilet or any other bin.